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Instructions for authors

The manuscripts (in Italian or in English) must be submitted grammatically corrected, typewritten, free of handwritten corrections, double-spaced throughout. Pages and rows must be numbered progressively. The MS must be structures as follow: title and authors page, Abstract and Riassunto page, Text, Tables, Figure legends and Figures on separate pages. When accepted, authors must provide MS word file and tables and figures as separate files properly named (e.g. Rossi_Tab1.doc). EPS, TIFF or JPEG format with minimum resolution of 300 dpi, even coloured, are accepted.

Structure of the manuscript

Page 1 shows the title of the contribution, full given name/s and surname/s of the author/s, affiliation/s, up to six Key words and Parole chiave and the short title (max 60 characters).
A progressive number should be added to each author’s Family Name as reference marks to the belonging affiliation, except if all co-authors belong to the same affiliation. An asterisk should indicate the corresponding author*, for which the e-mail address is required.

Giuliano Bianchi*1, Andrea Rossi2, Franco Verdi1

1Department of ……., University of ……
2Department of ……., University of ……

*E-mail of the correspondence author: Key words and parole chiave should include information on the geographical location.

Page 2 shows the SUMMARY and RIASSUNTO (min 150, max 200 words). The body of the text begins on page 3 or
4 (depending on the length of the Summary and Riassunto)
and possibly should be organised as follows:


Table and figure legends on separate sheet. Tables and figures on separate sheets.

Each chapter may be subdivided in paragraphs and sub- paragraphs (e.g. CHAPTER; Paragraph; Subparagraph). Results and Discussion or Discussion and Conclusions might be presented as a single chapter. other exceptions should be discussed with the managing editor. Reviews, taxonomical revisions and short notes might be differently structured. In short notes only the Riassunto (if written in English) or the Summary (if written in Italian) of 50-100 words is requested.

Particular attention should be taken to ensure that the accepted articles follow the journal style:

  • the text should be written in Times New Roman style, body 12, left justify
  • the words should not be divided by hyphen
  • indentation and ruled paragraph should be avoided
  • only normal fonts are used (possibly avoid bold and underlined characters)
  • italic should be used for foreign words
  • the table and figure captions should be translated in Italian if the contribute is written in English, in English if it is written in Italian
  • footnotes should be less than 10 lines
  • formulas, equations and fractions included in the text should be centred in the line, numbered in brackets, and separated from the text above and below by a space-line
  • if part of texts, tables and figures already published are inserted, the copyright declaration is requested.

Captions must have an English translation for articles written in Italian, an Italian translation for articles written in any other language.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures (graphs, photos, drawings) should be on separate sheet prepared as follows:

  • the width should be 8 (= 1 column) or 17 cm (= 2 columns), and the max height 24 cmTimes New Roman is recommended (at least body 8)
  • use Word symbols and special characters (otherwise produce files with the used fonts)
  • do not insert the title in the graphs
  • format tables according to the Word automatic format “simple 1” with thin lines
  • graphs without external border.

Tables and figures should be progressively numbered. References in the text to figures and tables should be indicated as follows: (Figure 1); (Figures 1, 2); …as showed in figure 1…; …in Table 1 are shown.

The number of figures should be reasonable and justified (no more than 20% of the article). Tables or species lists longer than 2 A4 pages should be reported as appendices (in the final print after the References). For appendices the same rules indicated for tables should be followed.

Quantities, symbols and nomenclature

Standard international units (the S.I. system) are the only one acceptable. Symbols and combined expressions in text, tables and figures must be presented using negative exponents (e.g. m s-1 not m/s or m x sec-1; µg l-1 not ppb or µg/l). Decimal separator should be indicated with a comma in Italian, with a dot in English. Thousands should be indicated as dot in Italian, comma in English.
Authors are urged to comply with the rules of biological nomenclature, as expressed in the International Nomenclature Code of zoological, Botanical and Bacteria Nomenclature. The Latin scientific name of the species should be typed in italic. When a species name is used for the first time in an article, it should be stated in full, and name of its describer should also be given. In later citations, the genus name should be abbreviated to its first letter followed by a period, and the describer’s name should be omitted.
Terms referring to geographical locations must be cited according to the official wording.


Citations in the text should report only the family name of the author followed by the year of publication and eventually by the page or the figure/table to which the cited author refers. If two authors write the cited paper, both family names should be reported separated by &, while if the authors are more than two, only the first author followed by et al. should be reported. References in the text should be reported in chronological order separated by semicolon.

Bianchi (1985); (Rossi 2002a, 2002b); (Bianchi 1985: 102, Fig. 2); (Bianchi & Neri 1986); (Bianchi et al. 1988); (Verdi 1980; Bianchi & Neri 1996)

If a reference is cited more times at very short or short interval, the publication year could be substituted respectively by loc. cit. and op. cit. starting form the second quotation. All references cited in the text should be listed, alphabetically, in the chapter References.
For a single author, references are to be arranged chronologically. If an author published several papers in the same year, a lower-case letter should follow the publication year.
For more than one author, priority is given by the number of co-authors and for the same number of co-authors, chronological priority is followed.
Papers that are in press should be cited only if formally accepted for publication. In this case, the indication of the year should be that of the acceptance and indicated in brackets. “In press” should be reported in brackets at the end.

Bianchi B., (2004) – ……………………(in press).

Journal citations (not abbreviate) should be in italic.
If the year of publication is successive to the number journal year, the last one should be indicated in brackets after the number of publication. Book title should be typed in italic and the total number of pages should be reported. Editor/s’ names should be followed by (ed./eds) or (a cura di) if the cited volume is written respectively in English or in Italian.

Armitage P., Cranston P.S. & Pinder L.C.V., 1995 – The Chironomidae. The biology and ecology of non-biting midges. Chapman & Hall, London, 572 pp.
Ginsburg L. & Morales J., 1998 – Hemicyoninae (Ursidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) and the related taxa from Early and Middle Miocene of Western Europe. Annales De Paleontologie, 84/1: 71-123.
Hämäläinen H. & Huttunen P., 1985 – Estimation of acidity in streams by means of benthic invertebrates: evaluation of two methods. In: Kauppi P., Anttilla P. & Kenttämies K. (eds), Acidification in Finland. Springer-Verlag, Berlin: 1051-1070.
After acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author/s must provide the correct version of the manuscript to the managing editor within 20 days. In case of delay, the paper will not be published in the on-going volume of the journal. The corresponding author will receive also a proof, in page form, on which only small corrections (in red) will be possible. The proof should be returned to the managing editor within 5 days, otherwise the paper will be published in the version of the first proof.

For each paper, the pdf file will be sent to the corresponding author when the volume will be published on the web site of the museum as pdf and ePub file. Both versions will be freely available by any user.

For more information, please contact the managing editor.