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Rethinking the institution

MUSE Anthropocene site


In the light of the Anthropocene Programme, the MUSE challenges practices and work methods, questioning ourselves and opening up to dialogue with a plurality of experts and disciplines, in an attempt to rethink the role of the museum in the face of the changes of the Anthropocene epoch.

In order to implement this methodological approach, on 3 and 4 May 2022 the MUSE invited a series of scholars and academics to debate as a Working Group some of the most urgent issues of the current crisis, suggesting possible courses of action inside and outside the museum. The results of their discussions are conveyed in a publication by Sara Filippi Plotegher, reconstructed in her illustrations and comics.

The Anthropocene 2022 Working Group saw participation by Matteo Meschiari (UniPa), Marco Armiero (SRI), Serenella Iovino (Uni N. Carol.), Laura Centemeri (CNRS France), Alice del Gobbo (UniTN), Shaul Bassi (UniVe), Paola Spinozzi (UniFe), Emanuele Leonardi (UniBo), Monica Ronchini (PAT), Mariagrazia Portera (UniFi), Sara Nicolini (coop.coccinella), while for the MUSE Lucilla Galatà, Luca Scoz, Carlo Maiolini, Dino Mazzei, Massimo Bernardi participated with the collaborators Sara Filippi Plotegher e Camilla Endrici, Viola Ducati, Elisabetta Curzel.

The result of this process of rethinking the institution and investigating research methodologies and practices to be adopted has also led to the production of a series of scientific and educational publications on the topic.

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